Miss Long: Who am I?
About Miss Long:
I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little about who I am. This is my 6th year teaching and my 4th year at Asher! I hold a New Jersey State Permanent Certificate in Elementary Education. I graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelors in Psychology, and a Masters in Education. I am certified in elementary education, middle school math, and special education. It was here that I gained the knowledge and student teaching experience that has helped mold me into the teacher I am today. Teaching is an important part of my life. I take pride in working hard and helping my students experience success. I enjoy motivating students and pushing them to their limits. It is important that students experience meaningful learning that they can apply to their own lives. I diversify my instruction by offering the students the use of hands-on manipulatives. In addition, my computer skills are well developed and an integral part of my approach to teaching.