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Asher Holmes Elementary School Home of the Colts!

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"Every student can learn.  

 Just not on the same day or in the same way."


   Access to my Google Classroom by clicking the link below: 
I have been a teacher in Marlboro for twenty-six years. I love what I do and enjoy seeing the students thrive throughout the year. I am married with a beautiful seventeen year old daughter.  I grew up in Marlboro and went through this school system.  I am so excited to spend the year with your children.
Feel Free to email me at [email protected]

A Message From The Teacher:  

 Parents: Together, I know that we can help your child have a successful year. To ensure this, I am in close contact with your child's homeroom teacher.

Please check homework pads and folders daily, and continue to read with and to your children every night. I believe these are some of the building blocks to a strong working relationship between student, teacher, and parent.                                               

As we journey down the road of education together I always encourage open lines of communication. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am usually at school in the early morning. Feel free to call and leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.  Your continued support is appreciated.
