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Mrs. Erica Rubinson » Message to Parents

Message to Parents

  • Children may be enrolled in speech classes if their speech and/or language adversely affect their educational performance for remediation of Articulation, Voice, Stuttering, Language or Hearing Impairments. 
  • A child may be referred by a parent or teacher.
  • The child's speech and/or language must impact on their educational performance in order to be eligible for services.
  • Should you have any questions about the process for referrals or wish to discuss your child's current program please feel free to contact me so that we can set up an appointment.
  • Speech and language goals are most successful when there is carryover at home. Activities have been posted which can be practiced at home. Please watch for articles and links to websites targeting specific topics in speech and language development. I hope these links and information sites will provide you with a better understanding of your child's program and ideas for carryover at home.   
  • Please make sure that I have your must current e-mail and other contact information so that I can continue to stay in touch regarding your child's speech program.